Demand for abolition of Costa del Sol motorway tolls for workers, students and people with health appointments

Demand for abolition of Costa del Sol motorway tolls for workers, students and people with health appointments

Torremolinos Town Hall Approves Toll Exemption Plan and New Tax Code

In a recent plenary session, Torremolinos Town Hall approved a plan to urge the central government to exempt students, workers, and individuals traveling for health appointments from paying tolls on the Costa del Sol motorways. The proposal, initiated by the Partido Popular, received support from VOX and saw abstentions from PSOE and Podemos-IU.

"We are asking for something reasonable," stated council spokesperson Luis Rodríguez. "The people we are advocating for do not deserve to pay the most expensive and unfair toll of all the motorways in Spain." Rodríguez highlighted the financial burden of high-season toll increases, which can amount to an extra €576 per month for daily users. "There are more than enough reasons to support these measures unless the central government's desire to collect money outweighs addressing this injustice in Malaga, which has been resolved in other regions," he added.

In addition to the toll exemption plan, the council approved a new law regulating the tax code, which had not been updated since 2008. This revision aims to assess the economic and social situation across different areas of the municipality, ensuring that commercial activity, hospitality, and businesses are taxed in accordance with the value of the public spaces they occupy.

The local administration explained that the new tax street map is based on average representative cadastral values, the location of public roads, urbanization status, commercial density, and residential or industrial use. This has resulted in three distinct categories that harmonize and regulate the fiscal reality of the municipality.

"With this update, the council aims to uphold the principle of equality for all residents," stated Miguel Quesada, councillor for finance. "The new categories ensure that the streets of the municipality have an established classification within a legal framework determined by the Supreme Court itself."

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