Day Responds to Fan Fury as Yeovil Town Supporters Express Concerns

Article written and published by Tony Rees, Staff Writer for Global247news and ex-News of the World Sport and Investigative Award-Winning Journalist

Yeovil Town Football Club finds itself in the midst of turmoil, as fans voice their growing concerns over the club's future following revelations earlier today about a pending High Court case.

The unrest has been fueled by legal disputes and ongoing investigations involving key figures within the club. In the latest development, Day, who is suing club owner Martin Hellier, has responded to the supporters' outcry after receiving numerous messages on social media, including from Hellier himself.

Martin Hellier, currently on bail with Avon & Somerset Police, is facing legal action from Day, a significant figure in the club's administration. The dispute has cast a shadow over the club, leading to fears among fans about the stability and direction of Yeovil Town FC.

Fans have been vocal on social media and in public forums, expressing their fears about the club's ownership and management. The legal battle between Day and Hellier has only intensified these worries, with many supporters calling for transparency and decisive action to safeguard Yeovil Town's legacy. However, the path forward looks increasingly uncertain.

In response to the growing unrest, Day has decided to speak out to clarify rumors and speculation circulating among supporters. Despite receiving abuse from a minority of Yeovil Town fans, Day has also received support and messages from others seeking clarity. He welcomes any further questions from fans who require more information.

Day, currently in the UK on business after returning from supporting Global247news reporters on the front lines in Ukraine, was interviewed by Tony Rees, ex-News of the World journalist and now a staff writer for Global247news. He provided a detailed account of the events leading to the current situation.

How Did It All Start?

"It all started when I asked a favour for a long-term friend in Yeovil," Day began. "As many are aware, I backed Hellier to purchase the club and arranged publicity articles with Ian Platt, the owner at the time of Those articles, some written by Hellier himself (yes, it can be proven), were sent to Ian and his team on the outskirts of Benidorm. Ian said he could publish what he wished as long as it was true and newsworthy to ex-pats abroad.

The late Ian Platt who allowed promotional push for Hellier. 

"I had recently bumped into Hellier at the pub by Ninesprings. He was out with his son Jack for his 18th birthday. I was having a meeting with Tom Wass, my main salesperson in Yeovil at the time. To be honest, I didn't recognize him after 30 years or more, but we were sat close by. He asked if I was myself. We shared a drink and chat about the old times when he was working at the Arrow Pub and I was residing in Yeovil, which provided good access to my furniture operations in Swansea, Cardiff, and Plymouth.

"We had a laugh and joke. Thirty years before, we had some real fun at the Arrow, and he reminded me how I gassed his budgie on one occasion.

"Shortly afterward, he became vocal in the media about wanting to buy the football club. The club, as we know, was up the creek without a paddle. It caught my attention because, previously, Sam Hammam and I had held discussions, although they were refuted by the board at the time.

"My former long-term business partner, Julian Jenkins, also had an interest, although firstly Simul Sports Ltd. We had worked together in both furniture and sports operations over the years and were partly responsible for getting Sam Hammam in at Cardiff City FC.

"It was a tough call for me, Hellier and Jenkins both chasing the same deal. I decided to stay impartial, although, if I'm honest, I thought a local businessman who described himself as a multi-millionaire was the right thing for Yeovil. Although Jenkins and Damien had serious amounts of money and plans, I assisted getting the publicity out for Hellier via my contact with Ian, and you could say it worked, I guess.

"So that's how it all started. As he took over the club after completing the deal, I was in a hotel room in Amsterdam when I messaged Martin with a suggestion as a section of supporters had marred the game by fighting.

"I was in shock when I received a return message abusing me, branding me a 'prick' and telling me not to tell him how to run his club, followed by more abuse. That was the point the relationship broke down. Ironically, he deployed the suggestion a week later!

"To me, it was just a football club I watched as a child with some fond memories of the likes of Dicky Plum & Co. At that stage, I just stopped communicating with Hellier. Others from Yeovil had warned me he was a very changed person from the day I knew him, which he clearly was.

"So how did it get to where it is today if you stopped communication? Okay, I was standing on Wolverhampton railway station heading to a meeting with a football player who Neil Warnock was reported to be interested in at the time. I was to meet the player and then head to Aberdeen the next day.

"Out of the blue, my cellphone started constantly ringing. It was Martin Hellier. He must have rung it 50 times. I just cut it off as I needed a clear head for my meeting. I would call him back, I thought, afterward. During the meeting, I was bombarded by text messages from Hellier, forcing me to turn off my cellphone. As my meeting finished, I called a long-term friend in Yeovil to see if he knew of anything going on. I couldn't really speak as the phone was constantly bleeping with Hellier's messages, ranting voicemails, and phone calls.

"I sat back, took a deep breath, and started to wade through the messages to see if I could find an indication of what was going on. The first one read 'My FB,' the second one 'Milford Dip,' trying to indicate he knew where my partner was, I guess. The third one 'Do your best. Gimme call. Love to chat,' then a fourth one saying 'That's the man you are. You chose to pick on Jack. Nothing else matters now. Read that as the last thing you ever read from me.'

"At this stage, I replied, 'In meeting, chatting shit as normal. I've heard you're selling, the dream didn't last long then?' It was in reference to what he had placed on social media stating he was ready to sell the club or words to that effect. The reply was 'Meet this week and kiss your Slavic whore goodbye when you leave that day!'

"Then, throughout the evening, he continued to message, saying he was going to kill me, bury me and my Slavic whore, urinate on my dead dad's ashes. At that stage, I called him, and he was frothing, slurring down the phone, stating he would dig up my dead daughter and piss all over her remains. He was shouting, 'Get here now and ring my doorbell' (despite me being in Wolverhampton) and then saying he would use a baseball bat to smash my head in.

"There was far more, which has all been logged and documented, which is in the legal files.

"I still don't know what on earth he was on about Jack to this day—not that I really care.

"So that's how this all started, but he went far too far and has continued since until he was arrested and placed on police bail. With one of the bail conditions being that he doesn't contact me, although in my opinion he's now broken that, and we await to see what Yeovil Police do about it when the investigating officer returns from leave."

Fans Claim On Social Media You Are In Court Yourself For Harassment?



 ' Ok lets get to the facts of the situation here. - I heard about this claim whilst in the Ukraine about 2 weeks so, as the tweet came from a previous prolific shoplifter who stole to impress and said because he was lonely, chap called Simon Thyer, a presenter on some local radio station that follows Yeovil Town. You don't really take much notice from someone like that if i'm honest. I just ignored it.

'A couple of weeks later a court listing appeared on social media posted by Yeovil supporters again. The listing simply stated A Steve Day was in court one for a hearing. Why Yeovil fans were looking out for court listings is a strange one mind but you can leave that to your imagination ? - mine is they were being fed it.

'Anyway I had not been summoned to any court, and I'm sure everyone is aware you need to be, so I contacted the court to investigate if it's actually me to which they said, they couldn't be sure, as it wasn't listed to my address and date of birth. Said it was also strange it was listed for Yeovil considering I don't even reside in thr town, just occasionally visit.

' The court told me not to attend, so as it stands it all hear say and the police know nothing about it.

Although I would imagine is a private application from Hellier himself as he attempts to deflect his previous actions away, but let's look at the ' so called' claims of harassment which can easily be defended if need be.

First person, Frank Nouble, this is the same Frank Nouble who say's he deplores racism. The same Frank Nouble who after Hellier was interviewed by ITV West Country and asked about his threats, to which he denied, blaming them on artificial intelligence, despite all the evidence against him, rolled out straight after the interview on Twitter to praise his proven racist chairman.

This is the same Frank Nouble who through racism in the US walked off the pitch but each week turned out for racist chairman. In my opinion that's double standards and not a stand against racism when the club owner had branded a Ukranian refugee, fleeing from war - a 'Slavic Whore'  Although Hellier had denied it, he clearly forgot he had left voicemails on my cellphone proving clearly it wasn't artificial but the man who Nouble plays for every week!  Anyway that's the reality of the situation there, from memory I did ask him about it on X - to which he never replied. There's no harassment in asking a question for starters and I stand by my opinion he's a 'sellout' when it suits.

The fact is Frank Nouble makes a lot of noise about racism,  although he has no issue and praises the club chairman who makes racist comments - simple fact.

Sheridan Robbins - Have praised her in the past and thanked her for a film recommendation on Social Media, although I recall asking her a question and she went off obviously in a hissy fit and blocked me, I can't recall and don't have a claim against but I certainly didn't harass her as it was impossible even if I had wished too.! she blocked me instantly.

As for this chap Perks never had any dialogue with him, so not a clue, although I understand he works for Hellier on his rental properties, so I'm flummoxed how you can harass someone you have never met or spoken too, maybe he's concerned  about another investigation going on in Yeovil right now about the building industry, corruption and drug use & runners, but that's a wild guess.

Of course if there is a prosecution applied for at Yeovil Mage, which is easy to apply for, as easy as ordering fish and chips in a chip shop - it's tactical by Hellier in an attempt to shelter himself whilst he's on bail and an attempt to keep himself in a good light with the clubs fans, oh! and he's also under investigation by the FA for his actions too so maybe an attempt to escape there? 

As it stands - no summons - no police involvement as claimed. In the event the plea will be not guilty with full evidence provided.

Meanwhile Hellier is on bail until August 13th, now he has in my opinion broken his bail conditions, so be interesting to see if the police agree but as Hellier claims he has people in high places at Yeovil police station, let's see Monday, could be case of nothing could be a case of he's remanded for breaking bail.

Flyaway with Ryanair When Needing A Break 

So what's next? 

' Tony, it's very simple, as previously reported we go to the High Court and present all the evidence to a High Court Judge and claim for all the damages involved as reported earlier today.'  said Day. Enough is enough now, it's time to get fully down to business and claim the maximum damages for loss, harassment and slander.' 

Asked if he now has emotional feeling towards the club, which in turn could fold if his actions are successful as expected, Day said' Nope, none at all, they should look towards Hellier - he had the opportunity and his ego and behaviour brought it all on. 

' My legal team are out sue him for everything that he has done to my business, my family and staff, - he could always sell the club prior anyway, that will be his choice when it comes on top - NOBODY discredits my Lucy, let alone threaten me with digging her up! ' NEVER. he stormed.


The High Court will decide the outcome and possibly the future of Yeovil Town Football club with the self labelled club saviour potentially the man who killed the club if it can't be salvaged again after a High Court claim.

Hellier was asked to be interviewed although he preferred to ignore the request. 






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