Car Reg CK24 UFX Lane Hogger Caught on Camera on M5

Car Reg CK24 UFX Lane Hogger Caught on Camera on M5

Car Caught Lane Hogging on M5: Driver Filmed Blocking Middle Lane

A vehicle with the registration CK24 UFX was caught on camera lane hogging on the M5 motorway, frustrating fellow motorists and raising concerns over driver behavior. The incident, captured by a passing driver, shows the car occupying the middle lane for an extended period, despite the left lane being clear.

Lane hogging, the act of staying in the middle or right lane without reason, is a violation of the Highway Code and can lead to on-the-spot fines of £100 and three penalty points. It disrupts the flow of traffic, forcing other drivers to overtake unnecessarily and increasing the risk of accidents.

The footage, which has been circulating online, has sparked criticism from road users, with one driver stating, "It’s incredibly frustrating and dangerous. This kind of driving slows everyone down and creates unnecessary hazards."

The incident took place on the M5, a notoriously busy motorway, where lane discipline is essential to keeping traffic moving efficiently. Lane hogging is considered a form of careless driving, and authorities are urging drivers to stick to the left lane unless overtaking, as required by law.

The driver of the vehicle CK24 UFX could face penalties if the footage is passed to the authorities for further investigation. The incident serves as a reminder for all motorists to practice proper lane discipline to ensure safety and smooth traffic flow on the UK's motorways.

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